Pisa, Italy on the afternoon of September 22nd, 2022. This was the second stop of the afternoon after lunch at the Fattoria il Poggio winery in Montecarlo di Lucca. As I happened to be standing near the Leaning Tower, I was asked to pose for the photo by one of my tour mates. I gave it my best effort to hold the leaning tower back.
Writing is ART
My name is Oswald Perez. I have Cerebral Palsy and I write poems and prose.
Writing is the way that I express myself. It helps bring my voice out into the world. One that I didn't realize that I had. It took my high school English teacher, Ms. Karen Levy to discover the gift that I have. I took the long road to continue my writing in college and post-graduate life with numerous starts and stops to reach this point in time. And I continue to make progress in showing up for myself each day.
It is the hope that this website paints as complete a picture of me as possible. I seek to inspire people with every post that I write. With a message that says: the circumstances of the past or the present shouldn’t keep you from creating the life that you wish to seek.
I welcome you to my digital home with open arms!
“I love reading your writing. You have a vibe that is unique. As a fellow poet, you are an original and no one can ever be like you. You are valued.”

Football, Fútbol, Fussball & Futebol. No matter what it's called or where on earth the teams playing are from, I'll be watching. Though I was made fun of for liking it as a kid, I couldn't get enough of World Cup 1994 when it was hosted in the United States. It became part of life, from taking penalty kicks against the garage door, to following the English Premier League and UEFA Champions League religiously and all of the supporter's scarves of various club teams and countries from my travels folded up in the wicker basket inside my closet.
My day tends to end with a bottle of the aforementioned tea. Ever since it came on the market back in 1995, with the Boston Tea Party wrapped around the bottle, it's been a part of my life. It's the perfect mix, not too sweet and not too sour with black and green tea leaves mixed in. And I have to have it cold.
The happiest place on earth for me, is an airport terminal. I know, it sounds crazy but it's true. Growing up in the shadow of LaGuardia Airport, I was always fascinated by airplanes. As they took off and landed I could see it happening being within walking distance. Each time I enter JFK airport, I feel so much joy in seeing all the airplanes and terminal buildings. All of it is a sign of something wonderful about to happen.
It was last October when I visited the Parfumer Fragonard in Grasse, France. After the tour of the factory and seeing how the soap gets made, our group walked into the showroom. I opened a box of their lavender soap and took a whiff. The scent was heavenly. And now, I try to find boxes and bars of soap whenever I can find it. To bring back that peaceful, easy feeling.
The perfect combination of taste and aroma. Every cup I have of it, I feel a sense of calm take in every sip. Adding two drops of honey before letting it cool for a touch of sweetness.

““A poetic journey, staying at Home””
– Oswald Perez